Monday, October 14, 2013

How To Play The Guitar Like A Pro - The Right Stuff

How To Play The Guitar Like A Pro - The Right Stuff

It is likely that most of the individuals who clicked on this article, are wondering what to expect from an article with the title: How To Play Guitar Like A Pro. Further, most readers, in all likelihood, are already professional guitarists. Therefore, some might be wondering what on earth could be learned from this type of article. For some, the answer might be little. For others, the answer might be an abundance.
For the purpose of this article, let's presume that all readers are completely proficient on the guitar. In other words, everyone is educated in music theory (degreed or top platinum player, recording guitarist, touring guitarist, etc.). Further, let's presume that the reader knows the guitar fingerboard upside down, inside out, sideways, and can play the guitar at the drop of the hat with any artist, or faced with any musical situation. In fact, let's presume that we're all capable of speed picking, sweeping, and can tap ourselves into infinity, regardless of chord structure, key signature, time signature, and tempo. In short, we have the right stuff. You know it, I know it, and everyone in our audience knows it and feels it. For us, playing the guitar is like riding a huge wave, on the edge of genesis. We're not only playing the guitar, we're on the edge of creation, as it happens. Now, that's how to play guitar like a pro, right? Many would say yes. Technically, they'd be right.
Clearly, with the type of experience described above, one would think that every guitarist, with that level of proficiency, would be touring the world and selling millions of albums (Cd's). It just makes good sense doesn't it? Not really. Let me explain.
For those of us fortunate enough to have grabbed the golden ring, we learned something very, very important. It's a formula, if you will. A life formula. When years of study (education) meets years of practice, and hard work meets opportunity, generally the result is musical success. Let's not forget all those years of performance and trial and error with sound and technique. Generally, however, when these elements come together, the result is musical success.
Now, we all know that only a very small percentage of professional guitarists will ever get the chance to enjoy a platinum career as a performing guitarist. Why? For many, many reasons.
First, the music business is an industry where one could work harder than he/she has ever worked, want success more than anything else in life, have all the talent in the world, and it's still not enough. Think about that for a moment. That realization alone is enough to drive a good man (or woman) absolutely insane. Just think, we've already presumed and stipulated no problems at all (for any of us) with musicianship, music theory, and everything else that comes with being a professional guitarist, and all of it might not be enough to attain real success in music.
By the way, what is the definition of success? It's different for all of us. It's subjective and personal based upon many factors. The point is, whatever your definition of success, strive to achieve it as a guitarist. Think of success as a deductive thought process. For example, when we're thirsty we decide that we need water (water is the conclusion). To achieve the conclusion, accurate steps must be taken, or no successful conclusion. Therefore, the conclusion is followed by steps that lead us to that end. Water (conclusion). walk to the cupboard to get a glass (step). Pour water into glass (step). Drink (conclusion). We just achieved success. Hence, deductive thought process. Generally, we live this process a hundred times each day without ever being conscious of the actual deductive thought process behind every action we take.
How many of us think like this when it comes to achieving success as a professional guitarist (once again, use your own definition of success)? The process is applied to everything else that we do in life. Why not one's own career? The answer for all will, of course, be different.
With these basic foundations, it's really easy to check and balance our careers as guitarists. For example, if one's dream and definition of success as a guitarist is to tour internationally with a platinum recording group, then what is that individual doing playing at the local bar and grill every week? Shouldn't he/she at least be investigating those groups who are seeking someone with that goal? Let's really get to the nitty gritty of this. For the individual just described (goals and all), ask yourself these simple questions. How many auditions have you attended today, this week, this month, this year? What's the answer? If your answer is none, then your definition of success is skewed, and there is absolutely no deductive thought occurring in your musical plan. What steps have you taken lately, to achieve your own conclusion? This gets much deeper than just being the most proficient guitarist on the planet doesn't it? However, deep is where we all need to be in order avoid shallow.
Review your goals as a professional guitarist. Take into consideration factors such as family (wives, children), money, distance, and everything else involved with your goals. Is your definition of musical success worth the consequences (good and bad) of your actions (deductive thought process; everything based on reality)? Hopefully, your answer is yes. Because now we're approaching what it really means to have the right stuff. We're close, but we're not there yet.
It really doesn't matter what you're doing today as a guitarist if you're not taking steps to achieve your dream. For example, you might be the best guitarist in the orchestra at the local performing arts center. However, if your goal is to travel with Cirque du Soleil, then you'll have to get in line with the action needed to achieve that goal. Remember, deductive thought process. In other words, get up, get busy, and get real again. If you don't take care of business, who will?
Here's the kicker. One must ask if he/she is truly ready, willing, and able to jump on an airplane and tour for three-six months at a time. Remember, this involves saying good by to friends and relatives for long periods of time. Ask the tough questions of yourself. It'll help in adjusting your thought process.
In the first part of this article, it was stipulated that almost all readers are already professional guitarists. There is, hypothetically, no issue regarding proficiency. It's all there.
Here's another kicker. One might have all of this proficiency and knowledge, and not have the emotional core to bring the guitar (each note) to life. Making a guitar string breathe is a gift that not all guitarists have. Some might have fame, but no emotional impact. Similar to a wall of noise. Bringing the guitar to life is an element above technical proficiency. It cannot be taught. It must be felt. It is the right stuff.
It's true, the mind is a terrible thing to waste. It's really best to base musical success on what you, the professional guitarist, should be doing in order to achieve your own conclusion. With proficiency, knowledge, and a good deductive thought process, hard work just might meet opportunity.

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